Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Work On It Wednesday - Still working on couponing.

I am continuing to try learning how to really make these coupons work for me. I went to Krogers and CVS today. I just wonder...does the longer the receipt mean you are doing better? LOL They are longer because you have all the extra Kroger discounts and coupons off.
I spent $119.55. I had a total of $39.63 off my bill. $15.48 of that was from manufacture coupons. The rest from Kroger discounts. So is that good? I am getting some name brand items. I always make sure that I am getting that name brand item for less than I would be paying if I was buying the same thing in a generic brand.

For CVS I know I did good.
I bought 2 things of CVS brand contact solution. It was on sale for $4.99. Normally it was I think $6.99. I also bough a thing of acne wash for the boys that was on sale for $3.49. Then I bought some hair color. I normally pay about $9.99 on sale for it. It was on sale for $6.99.
Now I had a $2.00 coupon for the hair color. I also had a $2.50 off of $12.50 coupon on CVS products.
Then I had a total of $9.98 in extracard bucks from my last visit.
So I paid a total of $6.54 for $28.96 worth of products.
I think that is good!! I was excited about that one.
Join me to let me know what you are working on. Add your name to the Mr. Linky. You may win my Gem of the Week Award.

1 comment:

na said...

Great job...isn't it wonderful to actually see the savings!