Thursday, June 11, 2009

Moving? Make that List!

There are so many things going on when you are getting ready to move. You have to pack, you have to arrange transportation to your new home, rather it be a rented truck and professional movers. New jobs, new schools, new utilities, new house, new friends, and the list goes on.
Trying to keep track of everything that is going on and you need to remember can be a lot to handle.
Do yourself a favor: KEEP A LIST!!!
Get a notebook (spiral one is fine) and label it MOVING.
You can have one central location for all your information.

Write your lists in this book. What list you may ask?
Here are just a few examples of things you may need to keep.

1) What needs to be done before the move.

2) Change of Addresses: (pick up a packet from your post office, it is helpful in
reminding you of things to change addresses for. There are many, and most of
them are the routine, magazines, utilities etc.....don't forget things that do not
happen monthly such as:

*professional licenses or anything related (RN, MD, etc...)
*Child support system or any court related situation if applicable
*HS or college reunion committees
*Veterans information
*Financial situations: Investor, broker, Banker, Lawyer, Insurance

There are many more..but rack your brain for those "not so often" items that
will need to be changed.

3) What your plans are for setting up the new house.

4) Keep measurements (if you can get them) for the new house so you can get
needed curtains, blinds etc.. and have them with you when you are out.

5) Phone numbers for new places you are discovering. Notes with times and dates
of when you contact companies to change services.

There are going to be many more things you can keep in your notebook, but the main objective here is that you have ONE CENTRAL LOCATION for all your moving information.
You can also find sources out there that have done a lot of the "grunt" work for you in remembering what you will need to remember!
Here is one of them. Buttoned up has many different notebook formats for things in life. This is their Moving Guide.
This would be a great investment and is laid out to help you organize your move step by step.
But if this is not an option for you, at least keep the spiral notebook to keep everything in one place.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Another great post. I have got to get myself a notebook!

Thanks for the great tips.