I have been given this award again. This one is from Victoria of Life Starring Ellie and Eve .
I also wanted to thank Ali of Alidotes . She gave it back to me right after I sent it to her! So I didn't post it, but I do want to give her credit for her kindness. Please go see their blogs...they are great!!
Let me see, addictions....(I am not looking back to see what I wrote before! LOL)
1) Husband Dave!
2) Family
3) Chocolate
4) Blogging and Twitter
5) Organizing
The other requirement of this one that Victoria of Life Starring Ellie and Eve is to pass it on to 5 other people!
1) Aimee - Kayleighanne Freeman - who have a blog all about their daughter and the journey they have been on in dealing with a 1 pound preemie.
2) Melissa - Consumer Queen with her blog about getting some great deals. I also enjoy talking to her on twitter!
3) Joanna - Now with Baby has a really cute blog!
4) Angie - Angies Piggybank has started a new blog about saving money!
5) Natasha - The Soothie Ranch has a very cute site that features her son.
Thank you both so much!!

Thank you!!!!It is my first award!!
Thank you Sandy!! Sorry I missed the post until now, I've been burried sorting through giveaway entries!! It's been a busy New Year.
I'll get working on it ASAP!
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