Having 5 children and only 1 towel rack was not going to work unless I wanted to have them grab a clean towel everyday. No thank you to that much laundry. So this was my solution. I decided peg board would do the trick, but didn't want ugly brown stuff on my bathroom wall making it look like a garage. I found this online after much searching. It has worked out great. The kids have 2 hooks each that they can put their towels and robes on. They each have their own bins that their toothbrushes can go in. Then there is one larger bin that the brushes and combs can go in. I put their names with letter stickers on the front of their little bins too.
Sometimes you just have to think outside the box.

You are my new idol!! One of my goals for 2009 is to get my house and my life under control and clutter free. I stumbled on your blog from another blog and I am addicted. I used to be so organized, almost OCD organized. Then we had kids- 4 of them. And all the organization went right out the window. Now it's time to dig my way out from under the clutter. I've talked a lot on my blog about my new goals for 09 and I'm going to link to your blog so my readers who also want to organize their lives can come read. Thank you for a great blog, you're inspiring me to keep de-cluttering!
Only a goddess could come up with such a brilliant idea.
What a great idea!!
You have an award here:
I have 5 kids and I found that with all the towels the kids would use and throw on the floor I needed help too. I bought and "over the door" multi-towel rack but it was too high for the kids to use and not close enough to the shower/tub. So my huband installed a board where the orginial towel rack was, and then I hung the towel rack over the board. There is enough room that I could hang two and have 6 racks for towels! To see what I mean, go to: http://workingmomscanblogtoo.blogspot.com/2009/01/bathroom-towel-solution.html
I need help organizing so I'm reading and posted you on my blog.
hope that's OK.
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